Sunday, April 24, 2011

Emotions are Normal

Does it occur to you that whatever goal you are pursuing, at the middle of the journey you tend to backslide? Well, personally speaking I did. You see I maintain jars for different purposes, but an inevitable event happened. I needed money to cover up some overdue expenses and the sacrifice, one of those jars. Actually I spent the jars for abundant spending. Meaning, that jar is intended for some luxury that I want to spent in a day. It's okay. I really dont feel guilty about it because the spending just came quite earlier. It is supposed to be spent on June though its just only April. Lesson learned, keep the jar in a more secure place... just kidding. Saving takes discipline and determination. What went wrong? I spent the amount for that foreseeable expense in some other things. And thats wrong with me. I dont prioritize. I am still in the process to overcome being a impulsive buyer. Its a long way to go. And I acknowledge it. That I need to drain all the wrong perception I had when it comes to money. I am deprogramming and reprogramming slowly and surely. I hope one day I will not backslide again. And I promise this will be the first and last.


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